Egy tech cég kulisszatitkai


an article by Horváth Viktor

2016. augusztus 30. - EPAM

Since the end of the last year, we have a new regular sport event in the company. Every month’s last Friday, we gear up, and visit a CQB field, and play airsoft!

Last year’s E.T.A.C., or EPAM Tactical Airsoft Challenge, was really fun, but most of the guys there wanted only to play airsoft, and the other parts of the event faded away real quick. It seemed, that lots of us have too many energy (or frustration) and we really need to let some steam off. So here we are!

That was our 4th time, and we always have some new faces, as the rumor about the event slowly starts to spread. There are new joiners, and managers too. It’s an open event, so coworkers can team up with their friends, girlfriends, if they are braver that way.

There are a few of us, who started to play in the past, but most of us are rookies. Everybody is a little afraid at the beginning, but this feeling is slowly disappearing, to make room for excitement, and adrenaline!


You to care welcome to join the events, throw me an email at


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