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SuperBowl 2016

2016. március 17. - EPAM

Embracing different customs can have a powerful team building effect, especially in a multicultural company like EPAM. Finding something in another nation traditions, and use it as a bridge between people is a beautiful thing. Also drinking beer, yelling obscenities at the screen and stay up all night are all fun things to do.

This was the 5th time that EPAM organized the annual Super Bowl Night in collaboration with Grund. An opportunity to watch the game with your peers, in this case with the original commentators, advertisement, most importantly, live. In the spirit of the event it wasn’t EPAM exclusive, everybody could bring their friends. However only employees get to have the complimentary drinks, two pints of beer, or two glasses of wine based on their preference.

What everybody else could enjoy, were the authentic American food including BBQ Ribs, Double Cheeseburger, coleslaw salad and much more. The buffet were heroically open until 4 AM in the morning. If you just wanted something to go with your drink, Grund provided complimentary peanuts, and popcorn to each table with refill. 4 LCD TV and a projector made sure that no matter where was your reservation, you got a good view of the game. Additional to the American stream there was a dedicated room for the Hungarian broadcast.

Even those who knew little or nothing about the game, or the rules, could catch up thanks to the seasoned veterans, whom during the advertisements were kind to explain if something wasn’t clear. By the way, are you into quality advertisements? This is the night for the most expensive ones of the year. Movie stars, hot chicks, big guys, fast cars, aliens, America! (It’s like a mini “reklámzabálók éjszakája”)

According the original organizer Brent N. Cann, these events stay the same, if it ain’t broken, don’t fix it. You may missed it this time, but there is always another year.

Will you be there in 2017?


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