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2016. szeptember 19. - EPAM

Bizony leesett a klaviatúránk ettől a nem várt, ám annál kellemesebb meglepetéstől! Néhányan fel is vetettük, hogy hajlandóak lennénk lecserélni a második reggeli kávét ilyen mini-koncertekre.

Ébredjetek Ti is velünk, nézzétek meg, hogyan robbant be a Supernem csendes kis reggelünkbe. Az exkluzív őrületet köszönjük az I Love Suzukinak és a Supernem OFFICIALnek!


Ez eseményről készült videót megtekinthetitek a FB-on!

HWSW meetup képes beszámoló

Az őszibe hajló időjárás ellenére teljesen megtelt az Anker't a 08.24-i HWSW meetup alkalmából.

A rendezvény fő témája a Java volt, a kötetlen beszélgetést és sörözést most is rövid szakmai előadások előzték meg.

Két EPAM-os kolléga is tartott session-t:
Körözsi Tamás: Így vigyázz a kód minőségére

Veres Péter: Hibák, amelyek visszafogják a Java teljesítményt




A HWSH meetup FB galériájában további képek tag-elehti magát a nagyérdemű.

EPAM Wins Second 2016 Red Dot Award for Mission’s Aero Wireless Speaker

Company Recognized for Communication Design for User Experience and Strategy Capabilities


Newtown, PA – August 15, 2016 – EPAM Systems, Inc. (NYSE:EPAM), a leading global provider of product development and software engineering solutions, today announced that it received a second Red Dot award, this time for Communication Design, for its work on the Aero Wireless Speaker, a product of legendary British loudspeaker manufacturer Mission. Earlier this year, EPAM was awarded a 2016 Red Dot award for Product Design of the speaker.

EPAM worked with International Audio Group (IAG), a pioneer in Audio/Visual equipment, to innovate its loudspeaker brand, Mission’s Aero Wireless Speaker. In addition to developing the speaker design, EPAM leveraged its UX and business strategy capabilities to re-position the brand, create a consistent experience across all devices, and ensure users can easily navigate their music library.


“We are excited to win our second Red Dot award for our work with IAG Mission’s Aero Wireless Speaker,” said Matt Farrar, VP, Service Design, EPAM. “As more users expect impeccable functionality and personalized connections in their products, communication design is crucial for the next generation of businesses to succeed. By combining our capabilities in product development with innovative strategy, consulting and design, EPAM enables our clients, like IAG, to capitalize on every customer interaction by establishing a relationship between the user and product and, as a result, achieve real business results.”

Entries for the Red Dot Award: Communication Design 2016 came from 46 countries and included internal campaigns, marketing strategies, and communications solutions. Only products which set themselves apart considerably through their excellent communication design receive the sought-after quality seal from the international Red Dot jury. The independent expert panel which included outstanding designers, respected design professors, and specialist journalists assessed each entry strictly and fairly, live and on site, according to criteria such as degree of innovation, formal quality, functionality, and ecological compatibility.

“The increasingly international nature of our competition is proof of its growing reputation in the global design world”, says Prof. Dr. Peter Zec, founder and CEO of Red Dot. “We are very happy with this year's competition and are delighted at the very high standard of the award-winning projects from around the world. In today’s world, communication designers have become the catalyst between the worlds of language, economics and technology, in other words, they are the engines of progress. More than ever before, we want to be a driving force for development and trends in the sector and give established as well as up-and-coming designers the opportunity to find and claim their place in the market. The Red Dot seal of quality, known around the world to stand for a high level of design, helps them to achieve this.”

Award winners will be honored on November 4, 2016 in Berlin, Germany at the Red Dot Gala and are invited to present their award-winning projects at the Designers’ Night in the E-Werk Berlin.

For the full 2016 list of Red Dot Awards: Communication Design, visit For more information about the product development and software engineering solutions that EPAM provides, please visit  


an article by Horváth Viktor

Since the end of the last year, we have a new regular sport event in the company. Every month’s last Friday, we gear up, and visit a CQB field, and play airsoft!

Last year’s E.T.A.C., or EPAM Tactical Airsoft Challenge, was really fun, but most of the guys there wanted only to play airsoft, and the other parts of the event faded away real quick. It seemed, that lots of us have too many energy (or frustration) and we really need to let some steam off. So here we are!

That was our 4th time, and we always have some new faces, as the rumor about the event slowly starts to spread. There are new joiners, and managers too. It’s an open event, so coworkers can team up with their friends, girlfriends, if they are braver that way.

There are a few of us, who started to play in the past, but most of us are rookies. Everybody is a little afraid at the beginning, but this feeling is slowly disappearing, to make room for excitement, and adrenaline!


You to care welcome to join the events, throw me an email at


T mínusz 1 hónap

Papp Krisztián vagyok, 30 éves és középiskolás. Na jó, igazából közel sem, de már több, mint két hónapja így érzem magam.

Májusban kezdtem el az EPAM Java Academyt 14 másik emberrel, azóta az életem hasonlóan telik, mint 16 évvel ezelőtt, leszámítva a tananyag mennyiségét, és azt, hogy itt nem holmi csengőre lesz vége a fejtágításnak. A kis csapatunk rendkívül gyorsan összekovácsolódott, pedig én magam is meglepődtem, hogy mennyire különféle területről jöttünk. Talán pont ez az, ami miatt senkire sem tekintünk kívülállóként, hiszen mindannyian azok vagyunk... és egyszerre mégsem.


Act as a team, or playing basketball at EPAM Hungary

an article by Viktoryia Barodzich

EPAM basketball team in Hungary includes active guys who train regularly with enthusiasm to achieve great successes, such as in the Business Leagues' autumn season, and invite all motivated colleagues to join them and set ambitious goals in sport together.



SuperBowl 2016

Embracing different customs can have a powerful team building effect, especially in a multicultural company like EPAM. Finding something in another nation traditions, and use it as a bridge between people is a beautiful thing. Also drinking beer, yelling obscenities at the screen and stay up all night are all fun things to do.

This was the 5th time that EPAM organized the annual Super Bowl Night in collaboration with Grund. An opportunity to watch the game with your peers, in this case with the original commentators, advertisement, most importantly, live. In the spirit of the event it wasn’t EPAM exclusive, everybody could bring their friends. However only employees get to have the complimentary drinks, two pints of beer, or two glasses of wine based on their preference.

What everybody else could enjoy, were the authentic American food including BBQ Ribs, Double Cheeseburger, coleslaw salad and much more. The buffet were heroically open until 4 AM in the morning. If you just wanted something to go with your drink, Grund provided complimentary peanuts, and popcorn to each table with refill. 4 LCD TV and a projector made sure that no matter where was your reservation, you got a good view of the game. Additional to the American stream there was a dedicated room for the Hungarian broadcast.

Even those who knew little or nothing about the game, or the rules, could catch up thanks to the seasoned veterans, whom during the advertisements were kind to explain if something wasn’t clear. By the way, are you into quality advertisements? This is the night for the most expensive ones of the year. Movie stars, hot chicks, big guys, fast cars, aliens, America! (It’s like a mini “reklámzabálók éjszakája”)

According the original organizer Brent N. Cann, these events stay the same, if it ain’t broken, don’t fix it. You may missed it this time, but there is always another year.

Will you be there in 2017?


Győző Kondás

Hackathon 2015

„This is Golf...”

This year’s hackathon was a bit different than the previous ones, not just because there were more than 100 participants, or let’s say 36 teams, not to mention, the amount of consumed pizza (226 pizzas, no, not slices J) or that 400 energy drinks they drank during the 1440 minutes of the challenge but what they had to do to unlock the various challenges: to play Golf. J

“This is Code Golf. You get a problem, and you have to solve it, using any language you want (and we support) in as few bytes as you can. The smaller the source, the better your solution is.”

After the initial 2 challenges, the teams had to play mini golf, to unlock further 10 challenges. 18 programming languages from C++ and Java to the esoteric GolfScript were supported. (not to mention last year’s favorite: Lua )

During the night we had to face various challenges: lack of sleep, “food-coma” (never-ever try to eat 1,5 pizzas at once J, or face the consequences ) and the approaching deadline. Some of us choose to have a few hours of sleep, the rest tried to solve this problem by taking a shower. (sleep is better, trust me J)

After the countless hours, and tremendous amount of tests, the leader board was as follows:

1# RESERVOIR CODERS: Attila Lorincz; Balazs Molnar; Csaba Breitenstein

2# NIGHTMARE BUILDERS: Endre Ferencz; Aron Soos; Peter Veres

3# JAVA ARCHIVE BINKS: Gabor Csukonyi; Laszlo Ozsvart; Zoltan Kakuszi


0XDEADBEEF: Adam Lengyel; Daniel Koczur; Laszlo Juhasz




A very special thanks to the organizers not just for preparing and managing the competition, but for the great atmosphere. Great job Guys, keep it up!

Attila Kisko -CHO (Chief Hachathon Organizer)

Adam Toth; Balazs Gollner; Eszter Reimann; Gyozo Kondas; Istvan Dudas-Szabo;

Ivan Toth; Laszlo Tarsoly; Mark Torok; Szilveszter Molnar; Tunde Schneidhoffer; Zoltan Garabuczi;  Zoltan Homoki; Zoltan Solya


We're much obliged and also so proud of the engineer team:

Zoltan Garabuczi & Gabor Kovacs1

Rég volt ennyire menő kurzus a Szegedi Tudományegyetemen

2D játékfejlesztés Unity-ben

Szegedi kollégánk, Bíró Bálint egyedülálló kurzust indított az idei szemeszterben, mely az informatikus képzések egy igazán egyedi megközelítését alkalmazza.

Bálint nem titkolt célja a játékfejlesztői kultúra elterjesztése, elsősorban lakóhelyén, Szegeden.

Kiben ne keltene nosztalgikus érzéseket a Mario, az Earthworm Jim, vagy az Ori and the Blind Forest?!

A hallgatóknak régi álmuk válhat valóra, hiszen olyan játékokat alkothatnak, amelyekkel gyerekként ütötték el az időt. 

A játékfejlesztési kurzuson olyan koncepciót tanulhatnak meg a hallgatók, amiket bármilyen másik 2D-s játéktípus fejlesztéséhez felhasználhatnak. A kurzus felvételéhez nincs szükség játékfejlesztői előismeretekre, az objektum orientált szemléletmód viszont elvárás.

Bálint - a kurzus ötletgazdája - szerint, a szegedi tech közösség folyamatosan fejlődik, és habár a játékfejlesztés még nem tud maga mögött népes tábort, de a fiatalok nagyon nyitottak és a 2D-s Unity kurzus népszerűsége is ékes bizonyítéka annak, hogy érdemes a kreatív és okos fiatalokat ösztönözni.

A kurzus nem csak érdekes, hanem egyben hasznos is, és minden ilyen irányzat iránt puhatolódzó hallgatónak ajánlott. 

süti beállítások módosítása