Egy tech cég kulisszatitkai

EU CodeWeek 2015

2015. december 07. - EPAM


IVSZ, organizing institute of EU CodeWeek is reporting great success of the program.

Joining the European Programming Week, member enterprises' representatives have visited children who are about to decide where to continue their studies.

The aim of the initiative is to introduce the world of IT and to provide an insight peek to the daily work of IT specialists.

The most active schools were received special prizes: Bence Vinko, CEO of EPAM awarded 2 LEGO WeDo kits to Kőbányai Kertvárosi Általános Iskola.



In all EPAM cities (Budapest, Debrecen, Szeged) 11 presenters held over 20 session reaching altogether 660+ kids.


Congratulations for the great delivery to:

  • Bertalan Kis
  • Daniel Kothencz
  • Gabor Dusha-Kiss
  • Gabor Halaszi
  • Geza Kovacs
  • Jozsef Kiss-Beck
  • Norbert Vegh
  • Richard Botos
  • Richard Pal
  • Szabolcs Nagy
  • Zoltan Koszegi


We got back some awesome feedbacks and further invitations from schools. You may not knew that AUTOINT was open during the last week and we had couple of great results ttamas.jpghere as well…(...) 

...we are planning to have similar campaigns in the future.   



Tamás Körözsi

Software Engineering Manager

EPAM, Budapest

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